Personal information from you, including:

  • name

  • phone and email

  • location

  • type of interactions with us

  • how you found us

  • purchase information

  • other information as it relates to your interaction with us.


  • Process catering orders, including providing this information to third party suppliers where it relates to your catering order (equipment/venues etc).

  • Provide discounts to you through our loyalty programme.

  • Provide other offers, products or information to you where you have shown interest.

  • Allow us to move through our recruitment process when you have applied to join our team.


  • Our request for information may come via different methods including email, online forms, social media, widgets and websites (including third party platforms like Google).

  • While some information is optional, there will be information we’ll need to know to enable us to provide our service - this includes things like name, email and phone number.


  • Storing it in our internal database and only allowing staff to access it when it relates to our services.

  • Making sure any third party suppliers follow the same privacy practices that we do, and only use information as it relates to the service they are providing to you via the Big Fig relationship.


  • For a copy of any personal information we hold about you.

  • Ask for personal information to be corrected if you think it’s wrong.

If you’d like to ask for a copy of your information, or to have it corrected, please contact us at


What is spam?

By "spam" we mean email often sent in bulk without regard to the recipient's wishes – breaching their privacy.

Big Fig will take all necessary and reasonable steps to not send unsolicited or unauthorised material to current or potential customers. This includes any promotional materials, "junk mail" or any other form that we may upload, post, email or otherwise make available.

An electronic message may constitute spam if it:

  • is commercial in nature – ie: it could be construed as offering a commercial transaction, such as goods or services for sale, or merely directing the recipient to a location where a commercial transaction could take place;

  • is sent without the prior consent of the recipient;

  • fails to include accurate information about the sender; and

  • does not include a functional unsubscribe facility.


Big Fig will take reasonable steps to ensure that it has obtained your consent prior to sending you electronic commercial messages about its products and services.

Consent may come in various ways, including subscribing to our loyalty programme, filling in a form, ticking a consent box to receive marketing or messages on our website, or consenting over the phone. We may assume that you have consented to receiving electronic commercial messages via an existing business or other relationship with us, and where there is reasonable expectation of receiving commercial electronic messages.


Any commercial electronic message sent by Big Fig will include clear and accurate identification information about us, the sender of the message and how we can be contacted.


Under spam legislation, every commercial electronic message must contain a functional and legitimate ‘unsubscribe’ facility. This is an electronic address the recipient can use to tell the sender they do not wish to receive messages.

Big Fig will take reasonable steps to ensure that:

  • all commercial electronic messages sent by us will include a functional way for the recipient to indicate that they wish to unsubscribe from any future messages; and

  • a request to unsubscribe is actioned within five (5) working days.

Unsubscribe Process

The marketing systems Big Fig uses for electronic communications give recipients the option to automatically unsubscribe from any electronic commercial messages.

If you would like to manually unsubscribe, please email your name to with ‘Unsubscribe’ in the subject line.

Please contact if you have any concerns or complaints about this privacy statement/spam policy.